Friday - June 01, 2007

Category Image People are Backwards on the Death Penalty

The death penalty is unfair. Recent scientific evidence has proven that people who were executed or still on death row were and are innocent of the crimes they're accused of.

So say those opposed to the death penalty. Not being a geneticist or expert in DNA, I will accept such claims of evidence on their face. I have no way to refute them.

But the conclusion that the death penalty is unfair is incorrect.

The correct conclusion is that the death penalty was unfair, but because of science and geneticists, it cannot any longer be thought to be unfair when it is applied. Now we can know with certainty, no longer simply "beyond a reasonable doubt" that the guilty party is indeed guilty.

I have no remorse for those guilty of capital crimes.

Another argument against the death penalty is that it is inhumane or immoral. This is not a very good argument at all, it is an emotion. When a person commits a capital crime by taking another's life, or otherwise as defined by the legislature, then no civilized person should have pity for them. This is also an emotional answer, but that is all that such arguments deserve.

The only remaining argument in opposition to the death penalty is that it is unfairly applied to mostly the poor or minorities. The correct solution to this issue, whether real or perceived, is to apply the death penalty more liberally when genetic evidence removes all doubt of guilt.

The popular refrain that the death penalty is outmoded flies in the face of facts and modern science. We the people can punish murderers and other criminals by removing them from the ranks of the living with clearer consciences than ever before.

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