Thursday - November 11, 2004

Category Image Slaughterhouse One

US forces have found a "slaughterhouse" in Fallujah. In the industrial section of Fallujah they found a building that served as a production studio and cage to detain, torture, and hack off the heads of innocents while the murderers filmed the whole ordeal. It's possible that these sub humans would have been able to do these unspeakable atrocities elsewhere, but they were done here.

Who's to blame for this place? The terrorists, of course. But there is more blame to be handed out.

I blame George Bush for allowing these murderers to be able to operate so freely. By pulling our Marines out of Fallujah in April right in the middle of destroying the enemy, he allowed them to gather strength and to act more boldly.

And I blame the democrats for not offering a better candidate than George Bush. That the democrats are dominated by communists doesn't absolve them from blame for not insisting on protecting our troops, our citizens, and our nation.

I blame the entire Islamic religion for their complicity in not denouncing their clerics' evil.

The Marines and soldiers around Fallujah are finally being allowed to do the job that they should have been allowed to finish seven months ago. They will take the only actions able to stop murderers. They will kill them.

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