Monday - October 15, 2007

Category Image Commandants and Uniforms

We're a nation at war and we have a new Commandant this year. What have been his most prominent acts so far?

1. Reverting back to 1986 and forbidding Marines from putting gas in their gas tanks while in uniform.

2. Trying, it seems, as hard as he can to insult the Commander in Chief by telling Congress that Iraq isn't important and that the war in Iraq is a distraction from our real purpose of responding to troublespots around the globe.

I'm filled with pride. Not.

On the first point, the Marines have this theory that the utility uniform is for field conditions only and that it is inappropriate to wear in public. This is certainly a valid viewpoint, but ever since Al Gray was commandant, we have been wearing our utilities more and more.

When I was a second lieutenant anyone not working in a hangar or in the field had to wear "charlies," the uniform with oxford shoes, creased trousers, and crisp button down shirt. Al Gray came along and anyone in a fleet unit wore utilities everyday except Friday.

Now even Marines working in the Pentagon wear utilites. They even have maternity utilities for crying out loud.

Yet this is a uniform too undignified to wear in public.

Sometime in the mid 80's, probably 88 or so, they changed the rules so that if you were driving to work you could stop at a gas pump and put gas in your car wearing utilities. Later, after I got out in 93, the rules seem to have changed again and people were allowed to go inside the gas station or run essential errands in utilities.

The reason these changes were made is because the result of not allowing the uniform to be worn in public, and yet allowing it at work, is that most people would drive to work wearing gym shorts and smelly t-shirts to change into uniform when they got to work. it defeats the purpose when people look even more slovenly.

Actually, the new Commandant's actions are an indication that utilities are becoming more acceptable and this backlash will soon be undone by the next commandant who will extend the laxer standards even further.

The second accomplishment of the new Commandant might appear to be inspired by one or more of the following:

1. I still think that there may be a bit of revenge against Bush for not backing up General Pace as the Chairman of the joint staff.

2. I also think there may be an interest in backing a perceived winning democrat party next elections, with an eye to gaining their favor when it comes to budgets.

3. I also think charitably that this might be heartfelt, and that the new Commandant takes criticism of past generals to heart for not demanding more of everything in order to fight the war, or challenge the national leadership to provide better ways to support national defense in a broader sense.

Number three would seem more likely if he weren't so preoccupied with making petty retro uniform regulations.

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